The Mercian Trust

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Our purpose and our approach

As one Trust we share a common purpose.  We call it our social mobility and social justice mission to change our communities through the very best equitable education.  When we get this right, it enables our children and young people to fulfil their potential, thrive in the world of work, and make a positive contribution to the local, national and international community.

Put simply, our common purpose is to increase opportunities and improve outcomes for our students.  We are particularly committed to students who are under-served and under-resourced.  We prioritise those who have special educational needs and disabilities, or who are more likely to face discrimination for whatever reason.

It is this common purpose that fuels everything we do. We deliver impactful,  sustainable and ethical continuous school improvement in our schools to ensure the children and young people in the communities we serve learn in the very best and most inclusive schools. 

We are deeply rooted in the communities we serve (which are the education investment areas of the West Midlands). We adopt a pioneering spirit and look to lead the sector with innovative solutions to the problems our students and families face.

We are proud of our achievements so far:

  • Our selective schools are the most successful in the country at increasing the number of local disadvantaged students passing the entrance test and joining our grammar schools.
  • Our St Matthew’s campus in Walsall Town centre has brought new investment and innovation to the town and is home to our Alternative Provision Free School for students at risk of exclusion from Mainstream education.  the campus is home to our Studio School where students can take a more technical or vocational route to university and employment - and also the home of our new Digital Skills Hub connecting schools with employers and our students with industry professionals.

  • Our social mobility and social justice mission goes beyond traditional education and training… We are proud to have hosted the region’s first Youth Suicide Awareness and Prevention Conference at Villa Park, building on our pioneering work in youth mental health.

  • Our innovative multi-disciplinary team of clinicians and allied health professionals support our vulnerable students, reducing clinical assessment waiting times from nearly 12 months to just 2 weeks.

  • Our social mobility and social justice mission is both what we do, and who we are. We exist to enable all our students to fulfil their potential, thrive in the world of work and make a positive contribution to their local, national and international community.

